Bullants Community Fitness Centre Core Athletic Program

Strength and Conditioning powered by OSVi for age group 12+ in Preston

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The partnership between OSVi, the Northern Bullants, and Melbourne Polytechnic brings a new level of athletic development and injury prevention to our athletes in the Northern Suburbs. Our Core Athletic Program is crafted to elevate athletic performance through a comprehensive focus on strength, rate of force development, upper and lower body power, and injury resilience.

The journey begins with an initial assessment, where athletes will measure their baseline movement competency, speed, agility, power, and strength using our cutting-edge Vald sport science equipment. We’ll assess key metrics such as acceleration speed, vertical jump, reactive strength, hip adduction and abduction strength, and eccentric hamstring strength. Our expert team in the sport science and biomechanics department will interpret these results and explain how they relate to your specific sport.

Personalised Training Approach

Using these baseline metrics, our coaches develop a tailored training program that strengthens your unique capabilities while addressing any areas for improvement. Athletes will track progress through our performance training software, ensuring a data-driven approach to continuous improvement.

Training Schedule & Support

Athletes train two times a week in our state-of-the-art facility Bullants Fitness Centre at Melbourne Poly Technic Preston, with guidance from experienced coaches who oversee every aspect of the program. With this program, you will also receive unlimited access to the gym.

Complimentary Performance Assessment

We invite all athletes to experience our facilities firsthand with a Free Performance Assessment to help you understand the depth of our training approach and our commitment to athlete development. or to learn more, fill out our Athlete Enquiry Form, and one of our staff will be in contact to discuss in detail.

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